Better Is Something You Become

Rather than the harshness of self-aggression, ambition, and powering through--the voice that had always led me straight back to the needle--the voice of tenderness suggested that I really could do what I wanted to do, and that the way to do it was one step at a time. Every yes …

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Do You Need To Stop Talking Too Much?

It had served its purpose--it was time to let it go. When we have goals like losing weight, changing a job, getting married, or leaving a marriage, our Inner Critic holds us still, spending a lot of energy thinking about it, but taking no action unless there is a guarantee …

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This Is Your Brain On Trauma

Neuroimaging shows that our brains empathize with, relate to, and even mimic characters in a story (or advertisement), as if we actually undergo what the character experiences. The more you know about these ingredients of emotions, the more they'll increase consciousness and a connection to your heart. Wouldn't it be …

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Invest The Time

Many students of yoga can be too passive with themselves and their bodies (I know I have been there). This kind of handshake means the person wants to calm the other. Once you have cleared away limiting thoughts, you will be ready for the next articles in my Resonation Realm …

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Take Pitstop Naps

Premade gingerbread houses allow you to focus on decorating instead of baking and building If you don't know the answer to this one, ask your friends, family members or colleagues. You may find it weird talking about grieving when someone hasn't died yet, but psychologists say that grieving doesn't require …

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Being Presented With Uncountable Wonders

It's exactly the kind of respite we were looking for ourselves. A few singing exercises when showering can help improve tone variation of the voice. When the phytoncides entered into contact with the NK cells, the latter were strengthened and they multiplied at a greater speed than those without contact …

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Freeing Our Inner Child

Indeed, obesity and associated chronic conditions of insulin resistance, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and heart disease are not only linked to changes in metabolism and nutrient availability but also chronic inflammation. At this point, you may not even know what you would enjoy if the barriers of anxiety were broken. I …

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My Way Or The Highway

If not, is this because you haven't revealed these personal details to others, or because you don't know them yourself? He has a lot of anxiety about the future, and at times reading the news seems only to stoke those flames. Overeating or abuse of alcohol, coffee, or other drugs …

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