The Collateral Damage Of Doom And Gloom

Have you ever wondered why your dentist gets you to watch those endless replays of The Blue Planet on the TV monitor hovering over your head? So it's really your choice if you want to proclaim yourself a failure when you can just as well see not being successful at …

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Why It Is Important To Know

As a corporate consultant, I have a habit that usually comes out at the end of the consulting day, during the executive summary session with the CEO. Women hoping to become mothers have tried vaginal steam baths, moonstone, rubbing a pregnant woman's belly, rubbing a statue's belly, tying a hen …

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Everyone Has To Have That

The word 'remember' originally comes from the Latin re 'again' and memorari 'be mindful of.' ay that you want to practise mindfulness to help you cope with stress. This is what we all do when we fall asleep: we pass from fast beta and relaxed alpha into dreamy theta and …

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Reaches Up To The Moon

In a work environment, just as in a personal environment, the ramifications of a fake compliment are serious. This is a critical skill. But when the majority of the interactions and experiences between parent and child are hurtful, stressful, and judgmental (or abusive and neglectful), then the shadow emotions of …

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Mistakes Are A Tool

When we take a new job, we may consciously collect as much low-down on colleagues-to-be, and the ethos of the workplace, as we can; This may seem like a lot of work, but the real work is carrying this burden around with you all day every day. Many factors must …

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The Costs Of Caregiving

Realistically, you won't always be able to maneuver and adjust deadlines, but you should be prepared to discuss your workload and to ask for help if you need it. These nods should come in series of threes--this usually can hint to the mind of the other person that you are …

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Heal With The Energy Of Food

I don't think they learned anything much academically during that entire school year, but they certainly learned a lot about life and how unfair life can be, and that water doesn't discriminate. My intent in this section is not to add on a multitude of tools and exercises that you …

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Cultivate And Practice Mindfulness

It's that battle that I described in the earlier articles. I like to dive straight into the deep stuff while other people may take a while to warm up before sharing more personal information. There is such thing as a generalist and while its virtues are celebrated, a generalist is …

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Quit Focusing On Your Setbacks

Life is like riding a bicycle--in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving. I just needed my story heard, my story felt and understood by individuals with minds of their own. ) has ever brought up how my tummy has a bit of loose skin. I stood at the …

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Plan Ahead And Follow A Schedule

It's easy to persist when things are going well, but our true colors shine through during challenging times. In 2019, eight leading Canadian companies, including Kraft Heinz Canada, Walmart Canada, Loblaw Company, Save-On-Foods, and Sobeys Inc. This is one reason why Native American medicine prescribed a topical application of pepper …

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